the beginning
Growing up I had always felt, heard, and seen spirits in the homes my family had lived. Being younger and uneducated, of course I always thought it to be scary. I remember being in my brothers room, who was about 22, and I had to have been about 5 or 6 years old. We were just sitting there talking, and no radio or television were on. All of a sudden the radio came on very loudly, like static sound. The volume was going up and down like crazy, and we had no idea what was going on. My mother came in the room and was asking us to stop doing that, but soon she saw that we were not touching the radio at all. I remember being frightened. My brother was as well, but my mother wasn’t too worried about it. In that same house we had a long hallway, and would always hear running and laughing down the hall. These experiences didn’t stop as I got older and also started happening more and more.
I honestly never thought to search for answers. I guess I just knew deep inside that everything was and will be okay. It wasn’t until I had gotten to be about 11 years old when I witnessed a very negative energy. Even seeing what I had seen, it didn’t push me to search for answers. Fast forward to when I was almost 22. It was 2018, near the end of the year. I started searching for mediums near me, any type of book I could get my hands on, tv shows that had anything to do with spirits and the supernatural. Once I started actually searching on the web, it was like a waterfall of questions that went through my mind. I had no idea where to start reading or even start to practice. I ended up on psychedelics.
When I started to learn more and more about what they can do under a controlled amount, I was amazed. It led me to learning about how they are using them to help people with their depression, anxiety and so much more. The one category that drew me in was the use of psychedelics and past lives and hypnosis. Once I got to that it really started to take off and I started to awaken quickly. I was at half priced books every day it seemed like, so I could find anything and everything metaphysical! It was an addiction that I was okay with.
At this point in my journey my mother was getting very ill very quickly. I started learning about how past life regression can help you move on past certain emotions, and help you release the tensions in your body and energy bodies. I started informing my mom about what was going through my mind, and how I think all this could help her. She struggled with depression, anxiety, and cancer, to name a few. It took her about a year to actually listen and understand what exactly I was talking about. She is a Godly woman, so she would ask me how he fit into all of this. I will be honest, I had lost my relationship with God during my younger life. I didn’t even know myself how I felt abut that question. I started searching for more and more answers about God and all things Spiritual, and I found that God was right there all along.
God is our Spirit. He is the Holy Spirit and resides within all of us. Without the creator, we would not have a Spirit ourselves to be in this vessel. It is through him that we can move through this life and find answers that we seek. It was though all the research I did on my own for about two years, before I realized myself that we are one. All in it together. It was that moment that everything I experienced in my life up to that point was for a reason. I had finally understood that this physical body was just a vessel for the Soul.
Since 2018, my awakening journey has been very rapid. I have helped my mother and my boyfriend awaken as well, through their own truth. My mom is now depression, anxiety, and cancer free! She has stopped taking all prescription medications. Her Physic abilities have flourished and she can now communicate with the other side. How awesome is it to know that by little small changes we can cure OURSELVES!
Once I got to that point of my journey, it was like everything else just fell from the sky and I definitely knew that this was my souls mission. It was my mission to witness spirits at a young age, see the pain and illnesses from my mom, to have a million questions but no answers. It is my mission to help everyone else find their Light. Be the hope in this world. Spread the truth of our Creator.
This is just a small glimpse of the beginning of my personal journey and how it all started for me and how quickly it happen. I am excited to share so many more experiences from myself, and my mom.
Thank you for reading, please reach out to us if you have these experiences as well. We would love to hear from you all.
Sending Love & Light