Why are we here? There has to be more! That was me my whole life. Knowing that there was more to this life than what we were taught. From my experiences as a child up until adulthood, I have questioned endlessly. Through the world wide web my spirit team lead me to Crystals.
The beauty of the Earth, naturally made, over billions of years? yes, pleaaaase! Give me all of it. Being connected to earth since I was very young, just made sense. Finding Crystals and learning about how they are physically made was so fascinating. In case you aren’t aware of crystals I’ll explain a little more. Crystals are made of minerals, natural geometrical. These are made in all elements of the Earth, over thousands and millions of years. They are mined from all over the world. The biggest Clear Quartz deposits are found in the United States along the State of Arkansas. They are even used in our computer processors, which record and transmit energy. How are we not educated about this on a deeper level? I had to search to find out.
The most important piece of information that spoke to me was the scientific aspect of energy. All things on this planet are energy. Our bodies make their own electromagnetic field, which is SO powerful. Knowing this alone, I knew that my answers about life were about to be answered. Thinking, “If our bodies make their own energy, and we communicate with every other energy without even being aware, how does this change when you become aware?” This question set the path. Here I go walking down the crystal brick road. Tapping into my own energy, and being able to communicate and work with the crystal energy, I was able to open myself to many other perspectives. I learned that when we intentionally incorporate healing energies into our life we can then create a major shift in our conciseness. This is the shift we all need.
Once I discovered crystals and how their energies communicated with ours, I found a book on Auras. I had heard that term before, and now was the time to learn more. Aura is a Latin word meaning “gently moving air.” There are 7 layers, and they each correlate to our Chakra system. Many people can see this, and you can also train yourself to learn as well, because we can all do these things. This energy field is where our bodies communicate with all of the energy around us. This is where we can find dis-ease in our physical body. We store all of our information about ourselves here. The Aura is made of colors, sounds and vibrations are all interrelated, and all three create the the energy frequency in the auric field. The colors can tell you your health on an emotional and physical level. There are a few different healing modalities that help heal these parts of us.
Incorporating the Crystal and the Aura information I had learned, it was clear that this was huge to know, as if it was some secrete I found. I immediately shared with my closest friends and family. My mom being one of the ones who believed and trusted me, set herself on her own healing journey. The struggle, the questions, the endless research, the urge to keep finding more, and the dedication of changing our lives completely, lead us here today. That is why I am here, writing these blogs, so that I can share my own physical experiences with the collective. I want everyone to know that it is NORMAL to feel good inside, and about yourself. You too, can heal from the inside out - with all the shadow AND the light within your soul. All it takes is the shift in perspective. Open your mind past what others tell you to believe. Embrace yourself and your truths.
How will you start your healing journey?
PS Thank you for reading, I give you faith & Love.